Dr. Flanagan's Research Page


Current Projects

The Contribution and Coordination of Joint Torques During Multi-Joint Tasks

Selected Publications

Flanagan, S.P. and Salem, G.J.  (2008).  Lower extremity joint kinetic responses to external resistance variations.  Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 24 (1), 58-68.  [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P. and Salem, G.J.  (2007).   Bilateral differences in the net joint torques during the squat exercise.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21, 1220-1226. [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P. and Kulig, K.  (2007).  Assessing musculoskeletal performance of the back extensors following a single-level microdiscectomy.  Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 37 (7), 356-363.  [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P., Kessans, K.M., and Salem, G.J.  (2006).  Quantifying bilateral joint contributions during three variations of the step exercise.  Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 15 (3), 255-265. [ABSTRACT]

Wang, M.Y., Flanagan, S.P., Song, J.E., Greendale, G.E., and Salem, G.J. (2006).  Relationships among body weight, joint moments generated during functional activities, and hip bone mass in older adults.  Clinical Biomechanics, 21 (7), 717-725. [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P. and Salem, G.J.  (2005).  The validity of summing lower extremity individual joint kinetic measures.  Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 21 (2), 181-188.  [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P., Song, J.E., Wang, M.Y., Greendale, G.A., Azen, S.P. and Salem, G.J.  (2005.)  Biomechanics of the Heel Raise Exercise.  Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 13 (2), 160-171.  [ABSTRACT]

 Salem, G.J., Flanagan, S.P., Wang, M.Y., Song, J.E., Azen, S.P. and Greendale, G.A(2004.)  Lower-extremity Kinetic Response to Weighted-vest Resistance During Stepping Exercise in Older Adults.  Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 20 (3), 260-274. [ABSTRACT]

 Flanagan, S.P., Salem, G.J., Wang, M.-Y., and Greendale, G.A.  (2004).  Biomechanical Attributes of Lunging Activities for Older Adults.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18 (3), 599-605. [ABSTRACT]

 Flanagan, S.P., Vanderburgh, P.M., Kohstall, C. and Borchers, S.  (2003).  Training College-age Women to Perform the Pull-up Exercise.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74 (1), 52-59. [ABSTRACT]

 Flanagan, S.P., Salem, G.J., Wang, M.-Y., and Greendale, G.A.  (2003).  Squatting Exercises in Older Adults: Kinematic and Kinetic Comparisons.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35 (4), 635-643. [ABSTRACT]

 Wang, M.Y., Salem, G.J., Flanagan, S.P., Song, J.E. and Greendale, G.A.  (2003).  Lower-Extremity Biomechanics During Forward And Lateral Stepping Activities In Older Adults.  Clinical Biomechanics, 18 (3), 214-221. [ABSTRACT]

Flanagan, S.P., Laubach, L.L, et al.  (2002).  Effects of Two Different Strength Training Modes on Motor Performance in Children.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73 (3), 340-344.  [ABSTRACT]

Vanderburgh, P. M. and Flanagan, S.P. (2000).  The Backpack Run Test: A Model for a Fair and Occupationally Relevant Military Fitness Test.  Military Medicine, 165 (5), 418-421. [ABSTRACT]

Wallace, M.B. and Flanagan, S.P.  (1999).  Boxing: Resistance Training Considerations for Modifying Injury Risk.  Strength and Conditioning Journal, 21 (3), 31-39. [ABSTRACT]