Kamelia [Fallahpour] Algiers
MS in Biology, 2004
B.A. Biology
California State University, Northridge
Present Address:
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Ventura College
4667 Telegraph Road
Ventura, California 93003, USA
(805) 654-6400, extension 1083
Email: KAlgiers@vcccd.edu
Thesis Research
I am interested in the role of visual signals on mate selection in lizards. My research focused on female breeding coloration in leopard lizards (Gambelia wislizenii) and male responses to female coloration. Bright coloration develops in some female lizards during the breeding season and is associated an elevation of certain hormone levels and agonistic behavior. The role of this coloration has been studied in several species of iguanian lizards, but its function is generally poorly understood. I was interested in understanding the role of breeding coloration in female leopard lizards and identifying whether this coloration is a signal to males during the breeding season, or if the coloration has a different purpose. My experiments included monitoring male behavior towards females with and without breeding coloration, the use of hormone implantations to induce breeding coloration, and color manipulations in the lab and field to isolate the effects of color from those of behavior. I found that, unlike other iguanian lizards, female breeding coloration may not be a signal to males in leopard lizards. Apparently the relevance of this signal to males has been lost, perhaps because males are not territorial in this species, unlike most other crotaphytids. Moreover, the cost of the signal may be low for females because they generally seek shelter under shrubs, which conceals the coloration.
Download a copy of my full research proposal here [Fallahpour MS Thesis Proposal].
Awards and Honors
- Hugo and Irma Oppenheimer Award for Excellence in Research and Teaching Promise, College of Science and Mathematics, $200, California State University, Northridge (2005)
- Best Graduate Student Presentation (2nd Place), College of Science and Mathematics Division, 8th Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium, $75, California State University, Northridge (2003)
- Dean's List, California State University, Northridge
Research Funding
- Gaige Award, $500, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (2004)
Effects of female breeding coloration on the behavior and mate selection of male leopard lizards, Gambelia wislizenii.
- Grant-in-Aid of Research, $1000,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (2004)
Female breeding coloration as a signal to male leopard lizards, Gambelia wislizenii.
- Graduate Thesis Support Grant, $940,
California State University, Northridge (2002)
Effects of female breeding coloration on the behavior and mate selection of male leopard lizards, Gambelia wislizenii.
- Student Projects Committee Grant, $945,
California State University, Northridge (2002)
The role of female coloration and its effects on male behavior in leopard lizards, Gambelia wislizenii.
Professional Presentations
- Fallahpour, K. and R. E. Espinoza. 2003. Male persistence and female rejection: breeding coloration in leopard lizards,Gambelia wislizenii. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, the Herpetologists' League, and the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Manaus, Amazonas, BRAZIL
- Fallahpour, K. 2003. Female breeding coloration as a signal for mate selection in lizards: not such a bright idea after all? 8th Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. California State University, Northridge, CA.
- Fallahpour, K. and R. E. Espinoza. 2004. Female breeding coloration as a signal for mate selection: not such a bright idea after all? Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA.
- Fallahpour, K. and R. E. Espinoza. 2004. Colorblind courtship in male leopard lizards (Gambelia wislizenii): is female coloration relevant? Joint Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, and the Herpetologists' League, Norman, OK.
- Fallahpour, K. and R. E. Espinoza. 2005. Love sees no color: indiscriminate courtship in male leopard lizards Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Diego, CA.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Fallahpour, K. 2005. Gambelia wislizenii. Necrophilia. Herpetological Review 36:177-178.
- Fallahpour, K. and R. E. Espinoza. Why do male leopard lizards (Gambelia wislizenii) ignore female breeding coloration? Copeia (revision in review)