PHIL 100

Fall, 2011

Professor Stern
Phone: (818) 677-4853
Sierra Tower, Room 508
Office hours: MW 7:00 - 7:45 AM and 12:00 -12:45 PM; also by appointment


Newest announcements are always added at the top of the list.
Last modified October 23, 2011.
Syllabus Schedule

Check email before class on Monday, October 24 (Posted October 23, 2011)

I have been sick the last couple of days. I am doing better today and hope to be well enough to meet my classes tomorrow. However, I recommend that you check your email in the morning to verify. If my classes will be cancelled, I will notify you by email by 6:30 AM.

Notes (Posted October 14, 2011)

The notes initially posted on moodle for Chapter 4 (Notes #5) and Chapter 5 (Notes #6) had gaps to be filled in during class. The file 'Notes #5b...' fills in the gaps in Notes #5. The file 'Notes #6b ...' does not contain the first page of Notes #6, which was already complete, but fills in the subsequent pages.

In the future, when notes are posted with gaps to be filled in, you should not expect a completed version to follow. Instead, you should add the details for yourselves.

Test 1 (Posted September 25, 2011)

For Test 1 (Wednesday, September 28), bring a Scantron Form 882-E or 882-ES and a #2 pencil (required for the Scantron). The non-multiple choice questions will be answered on the question sheet.

There are 22 multiple choice questions (18 for 2 points each, 4 for 3 points each, total 48 points) covering:

Telling whether a passage expresses an argument
Obstacles to good reasoning (Chapter 2)
Evaluating arguments in deductive and inductive terms
Valid and invalid argument patterns
Finding main conclusion, subsidiary conclusions, and premises (includes 4 diagrams)
There are 2 arguments for you to diagram (total 42 points).

10 free points are added to bring the total to 100 points.

Test 1 postponed (Posted September 18, 2011)

Test #1, originally scheduled for September 26, will be postponed until September 28. The course schedule has been adjusted for the rest of the semester accordingly. The URL remains the same.

Class locations (Posted September 8, 2011)

The 8 AM section will be moving to Jacaranda 1553 starting Monday, September 12.

Although I told the 10 AM section that we might be moving, that will NOT happen. Both the 8:00 and the 10:00 sections will meet in Jacaranda 1553.

New materials on moodle (Posted September 6, 2011)

Three new items are posted on moodle:

Watch for schedule changes

If schedule changes are required, they will be announced by email to the class, on this announcements page, and in class. For practical reasons, the order in which these are done may vary. Modifications to the schedule web page will generally take longer than any of these other types of notification.
Return to COURSE INFORMATION LINKS at the top of this page.

Last modified October 14, 2011. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional