Department of
Linguistics California State University - Northridge Academia Page: https://csun.academia.edu/josephgalasso CV: https://csun.academia.edu/josephgalasso/CurriculumVitae
_____ Joseph Galasso’s main research involves issues surrounding early child language development. He is interested in pursuing certain ‘Minimalist Program’ assumptions (Chomsky 1995) and to ask how such assumptions might explain observed early stages of morphosyntactic development in children. His theoretical framework advances a developmental response to the ‘Dual Mechanism Model’ (Pinker 1999) by specifically asking how/when the requirements and conditions placed on ‘Merge over Move’ operations come on-line in child language and whether these operations are open to maturation having to do with a brain-to-language corollary. His work has appeared in The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics as well as in the Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has referenced his research on Minimalist Approaches to Early Child Language Acquisition as part of the ongoing research topic The Biology of Language Under a Minimalist Lens: Promises, Achievement, Limits. His most recent writings involve squibs, reviews, and open letters on the topics of artificial intelligence, neurolinguistics, and basal ganglia grammar.
Joseph Galasso (Ph.D. Essex University) is on the faculty of theoretical linguistics at California State University, Northridge.