CSUNUPJ Activism and Media Committee
 "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."--George Orwell.

"Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers." --Mignon McLaughlin

This page includes: Automatic Faxes and Email letters, Downloadable Handouts, Flyers, Posters, Signs, Media Contact Information, Email Addresses for Congressional Representatives, Television Actions, and Committee Meeting Minutes


Downloadable Flyers: Military Recruitment, Iraq, Afghanistan,  North Korea, Oil, Palestine background, Cuban 5, Legal Aid, Getting Started with Demonstrations

North Korea
U.S. Threatens Iraq, by Phyllis Bennis
Why Women Should Oppose the War
Palestine Background
War and Oil

Patriot II Act: Background, Flyers, and Fax

Israel/Palestine: Flyers and Boycott Information

Media Contact Information

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

"Journalism in America is the business and practice of presenting the news of the day in the interest of economic privilege." --Upton  Sinclair

Contact Information for Congressional Representatives

"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of congress; but I repeat myself."  --Mark Twain

Television Actions

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." --Samuel Johnson

NBC's Double Standard

When NBC and MSNBC correspondent Ashleigh Banfield criticized the major TV networks for portraying the Iraq war as "glorious and wonderful," NBC News president Neal Shapiro sharply criticized her, saying NBC News was "deeply disappointed and troubled by her remarks." The network still has no comment on MSNBC commentator Michael Savage's ongoing tirades and epithets -- including calling Banfield a "slut," "porn star," and an accessory to the murder of Jewish children.

For the rest of the story, and NBC contact information, go to:

Fox News: Background

Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly, host of the The O'Reilly Factor used the term "wetback" during a February 6, 2003 discussion of immigration problems along the U.S. - Mexico border.  Fox News and Bill O'Reilly function in many ways as right wing propagandists for the government, especially for the Bush administration's drive to war and military conquest. The "O'Reilly Sucks.Com" web site contains much information about The O'Reilly Factor.  It includes a transcript of the televised interview of Jeremy Glick, whose father was killed in the 9/11 attack.  During the interview, Bill O'Reilly denounced Glick for signing the "Not In Our Name" anti-war petition.  O'Reilly interrupted virtually every statement Glick attempted to make, and repeatedly told Glick to shut up.  O'Reilly ended the interview by cutting Glick's microphone.  The "O'Reilly Sucks.Com" web site calls for a boycott of companies that advertise on The O'Reilly Factor, and lists companies.  For anti-Fox News satire items for purchase, go to

Fox News: Voice Your Opinion

One company that advertises on The O'Reilly Factor web site is Financialaid.com a financial company that specializes in education loans to students.  You may express your opinion about Financialaid.com's choice to advertise with the The O'Reilly Factor program by contacting the media division of that company: media@financialaid.com

Another company that advertises on Fox News is Toyota.  You can express your opinion from the Toyota web site.   Here is a sample message:

I am so deeply offended by your current advertising on Fox News, that I
will not purchase my future automobiles from Toyota, if these
advertisements continue.  Your advertisements on Fox News support Fox
News' overt campaign for war against Iraq, explicit and disgusting
insults against the people of France, and Fox News' racist opinions.
I strongly urge you to discontinue advertising on Fox News.  I welcome a
reply from you on this important matter.


Information about other Media Programs

Take Back the Media web site has current information on other right wing pro-war media programs, including information to support a boycott of the Rush Limbaugh show.

Minutes of Committee Meetings

2/7/03 Minutes of the CSUNUPJ Activism and Media Committee

1.  MLK activities at CSUN: The faculty retreat was held this January during Martin Luther King Day.  Michele  has written President Koester pointing this out and  requesting that the faculty retreat be scheduled in the future so as to avoid  this conflict.  She also suggested that CSUN might provide a venue, financial support, and organizational leadership celebrating this federal holiday, and she volunteered to assist in this project.

2.  Films update: Sheena and Shakti have arranged for two showings of "Hidden Wars of Desert  Storm," Tue & Fri at 7pm, in Sequoia Hall Rm. 104.  Sheena reports that the
Tue showing had upwards of 150 attendees, SRO.  David led discussion
afterward. Other films were mentioned as appropriate; the Committee invites

3.  Guerilla theater & Art update: Edie and others reported on their early-morning postings of anti-war stickers. These were taken down by the police before classes start, and there was discussion on how to deal with this.  Other suggestions for postings were made: pictures of Iraqi children as "collateral damage," etc. Some objected to postings on trees as too much like vandalism; there was discussion.

4.  Restrictions on demonstrations and advertising:  Shakti will get information on the already-constructed Free Speech area on Magnolia Walk: all political speech must be confined to this, according to a verbal directive from Vicki Allen.  Shakti will investigate and try to get this instruction in writing; we can investigate this.

5.  Fox news project: David suggested finding advertisers on Fox news and asking them withdraw  support from biased programs.  We could also find addresses for vice presidents and complain of unbalanced coverage.

6. Tabling and/or protests next to ROTC table David wondered whether we could put up a table next to the ROTC one; suggestions made about contents of posters or flyers, and other locations for tables.

Charles Crittenden

12/20/02 Minutes of the CSUNUPJ Activism and Media Committee

The meeting began with a recapitulation and review of general categories for projects that were discussed at the committee's first meeting on 12/13/02:

        1.  Guerilla Theater, Demonstrations, Political Art
        2.  Film Series
        3.  Speakers, Debates, Panels
        4.  Peace Fair and Tabling

The meeting continued with discussion to ferret out pros and cons of various projects and possibile combinations of projects that might reinforce each other.  For example, Edie Pistolesi expressed interest in producing T-shirts with "CSUN United for Peace and Justice" along with a future website address for our organization.  It was pointed out that anti-war and peace and justice activities on campus could be coordinated with course projects with similar themes, and this could be a topic of discussion with the Curriculum Committee. There was also some discussion about the political views of CSUN students and speculation about the kinds of projects that would be most effective in gaining student attention and interest.  Consideration was given to possible panel topics. For example, what might be acceptable conditions for the USís initiating war on Iraq?  Panelists might include representatives of a spectrum of positions, e.g.: 1) war regardless of UN or international opinion, 2) war only if there is UN approval, 3) war is unwarranted in any case.  It was suggested that an alternative topic for a panel discussion, possibly more relevant to CSUN students, would be ROTC and military recruitment polices that result in disproportionately high percentages of people of color.  Such a panel discussion might be coordinated with MECHA, CAUSA, the Black Student Union, etc.  It was mentioned that the civil rights of Iraqis should also be included as part of any such discussion, as it ought to be a civil right of Iraqi citizens not to be killed massive numbers by an invading force of U.S. soldiers.

The meeting then turned to projects for which individuals in attendence were willing to take a leadership role.

Film Series: Sheena Malhotra and Shakti Maisen volunteered to work together on a Film series for the coming semester.  Shakti is already committed to working on a film project on behalf of the CSUN Greens and so coordinating efforts is a win/win partnership. Steve Schmissrauter emphasized the importance of advertising and volunteered to help do that for the film series.

Outreach and Agitprop for the CSUNUPJ website: Edie Pistolesi plans outreach projects to advertise our existence and resources. E.g., she plans to take out some "sound byte" type classified ads in the Sundial to advertise the website.  Also, chalking and postering around campus and similar late night projects.  Kimberlee Perez volunteered to help Edie with the night time advertising projects, and Shakti offered assistance with the process for getting permission to chalk.

Guerilla Theater:  Kimberlee, Christie Logan, and Edie expressed interest in "loud and visible" Guerilla Theater projects and names of people not present at the meeting were mentioned as also likely to be interested.

Working with the Sundial: Christie expressed interest in helping the sundial stay abreast of CSUNUPJ activities.

Debates:  Charles Crittenden and David Klein expressed interest in debating pro-war opponents.  Charles indicated that he had already been approached for a debate about whether peace activists should follow the lead of the United Nations in this matter.

Tabling: Not much said about a Peace Fair, but the idea of a permanent table visible to students in their normal travels around campus came up.  Also a table at big campus events; this could include information.  Bill Harrison expressed interest but needs help -- perhaps from those signing up for SAW(Students Against War).  Edie mentioned that there is interest in the Art Department for an anti-war table.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting of CWAM (Campus Wide Activities & Media, why can't we have an acronym too?) will be scheduled at the meeting of the whole CSUNUPJ on Jan. 22.

Charles Crittenden & David Klein