Michael Blanco

Michael Blanco
Emphasis:Latina/os participation in the United States Military.
Fav Food: Sushi(drenched in soy sauce!)



Avie Guerra


(no picture available) Laura Gomez

B.A.:Chicano/a Studies, 2nd semester in Grad Program
the oldest of 5
love dancing and watching movies
Favorite food: posole
loves traveling to new places



Ruben Mendoza

origin- East San José, California
education- -trips to the public library with mom and sisters
-"la escuela de la calle" transmitted through various media and
experiences via dad
-B.A.: English (emphasis: American Literature); Minor: Psychology.
University of Southern California, 1994.
-1970s and 1980s television shows and commercial advertisements
-billboard advertisements
-film, pop music, jazz
-conversations on buses, trains, sidewalks, and in other public spaces
space . place . art . performance . identity . text . audio . gender .
film . hybrid-media . comix . entropy . sexuality . anarchy . love .
"long live the living!" ~Luís Buñuel

Scott Hernandez

No info provided

(no picture available) Anthony Guaracha

Eduation- B.A. Sociology & Chicano Studies UC Riverside 2005
Major- Chicana and Chicano Studies
Areas of Interest- Media, Music, Dance, and Pre-Cuauhtemoc Civilization.
Thesis Topic- Radio.


picture of student Angelica M. Gonzalez

Education: B.A. Chicano Studies; UC Riverside 2005
Major: Chicana & Chicano Studies; CSU Northridge 2005-Current
Areas of interest: Education/ Chican@ Art/ Chican@ Politics
Thesis Topic: Focusing on lower income student's reading achievement and investigating why reading levels are lower than those students at higher income schools/ Also examining culturally relevent reading material as a means of boosting reading achivemnt for lower income students.

picture of student

Omar Ramirez

I've been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve. I believe we place meaning in life through our actions. We have the capability to shape our world. We have within reach the ability to eliminate hunger, tear down classism, sexism, racism, vanquish greed, and end hierarchical rule. As Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) once said, "I can only do something which will leave me unsatisfied.'' I don't believe we're here just to kill and procreate. I think we exist for the purpose of protecting our environment, recording data, and giving meaning to ourselves and our fellow species. "What is the use of changing the system before you have improved human
nature?"-George Orwell /Omar "king of raves" R.I.P. 1991-1998
Working thesis title: Black Flag, Red Heart: The
Study of Chicana/o Anarchy
MA Major: Chicana/o Studies Graduated: 2008
BA Major: CTVA/ Film Minor: Chicana/o Studies Graduated: 2005

picture of student

Undergraduate:    UCLA, Chicana/o Studies and History.
Graduate Major:   M.A. Chicana/o Studies
Areas of interest: Critical Race Theory, Chicana/o History, Theory.