Central American Studies Program
California State University-Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8246




Assistant Professor, Tenure Track

 Teaching Associate

 Teaching Assistant

 Translation Work










  1. Mandrágora: Cultural Remittances from the Central American Studies Program. A collection of papers produced by students enrolled in the Central American Studies Program at California State University in Northridge. November, 2003. Douglas Carranza, editor and Beatriz Cortez, associate editor and art director.
  2. Istmo 3. A collection of papers on Central American literature and culture presented during the Second International Conference on Central American Literature and Culture at CSUN, October, 2001. Beatriz Cortez and Ricardo Roque Baldovinos, editors.

 Book Chapters:

  1. "El desencanto de Jacinta Escudos y la búsqueda fallida del placer."  De la guerra a la paz. Perspectivas críticas sobre la literatura moderna centroamericana.  Eds. Ricardo Roque Baldovinos and Roy Boland Osegueda.  Melbourne/San Salvador: Antípodas/UCA, 2003.  151-158.
  2. "San Salvador, El Salvador: 13º70.14N, 89º20.02W." Latin American Cities: A Cutlural Studies Reader. Eds. Marc Zimmerman and Patricio Navia. Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2004. 318-35.
  3. "La resistencia a la representación en la narrativa posrevolucionaria salvadoreña: el paso del testimonio al campo de la ficción." Ensayos críticos de literatura salvadoreña: homenaje al centenario de Claudia Lars y Salvador Salazar Arrué. Ed. Antonio Velásquez. San Salvador: Dirección de Publicaciones e Impresos. Forthcoming.
  4. "Hybrid Identities and the Emergence of Dislocated Consciousness: Deporting the Divas by Guillermo Reyes."  Chicano/Latino Homoerotic Identities.  David William Foster.   New York: Garland, 1999.  131-45.
  5. "Los Cuentos sucios de Jacinta Escudos: la construcción de la mujer como sujeto del deseo."  Afrodita en el trópiuco: amor y erotismo en la obra de autoras centroamericanas.  Ed. Oralia Preble-Niemi.  Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1999.  111-22.  (Reprinted in Cultura 84, 1999, 184-92).

Journal Articles:

  1. "La estética pasional en la poesía de Roque Dalton, Róger Lindo y Miguel Huezo Mixco."  Istmo 8 (2004). Http://  [Reprinted in Cultura 87-88 (2002): 169-189.
  2. "La estética pasional en la poesía de Roque Dalton, Róger Lindo y Miguel Huezo Mixco." Cultura 87-88 (2002): 169-189. [Reprinted in Istmo 8 (2004)].
  3. "El papel de la historia y de la ficción en la construcción de una visión masculina de la identidad nacional."  Revista Comunicación.  Número especial (2002): 101-07.
  4. “El desencanto de Jacinta Escudos: La ficción antierótica y la búsqueda fallida del placer.” Istmo 3 (2002). Http://  [Reprinted in Cultura 86 (2002): 194-200].
  5. “El desencanto de Jacinta Escudos: La ficción antierótica y la búsqueda fallida del placer.” Cultura. 86 (2002): 194-200. [Reprinted in Istmo 3 (2002)].
  6. "La verdad y otras ficciones: visiones críticas sobre el testimonio centroamericano."  Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos.  2 (2001).  Http://
  7. "Estética del cinismo: la ficción centroamericana de posguerra."  Ancora: Suplemento Cultural de La Nación.  San José, Costa Rica, March 11, 2001.  Http://
  8. "Sadomasoquismo y travestismo en El público de Federico García Lorca: un reto al heterosexismo compulsivo."  Hispanófila.  133 (2001): 31-42.
  9. "Exilio y crítica social. A propósito de la novela El asco de Horacio Castellanos Moya."  Ventana abierta.  6 (1999): 30-35.
  10. "La ficción salvadoreña de fin de siglo: un espacio de reflexión sobre la realidad nacional."  Cultura.  85 (1999): 66-93.
  11. "Cinismo al final del siglo."  Búho.  8 (1999): 8.
  12. "La literatura centroamericana contemporánea: un mundo de dudosa reputación."  Tendencias.  75 (1999): 43.
  13. "La monja alférez: una historia de travestismo a la luz de El Salvador actual."  Tendencias.  78 (1999): 43-44.
  14. "Un mundo sin prisioneros: el legado en imágenes de Benjamín Cañas."  Búho.  7 (1999): 8.
  15. "País virtual: los salvadoreños de dentro y de fuera."  Tendencias.  76 (1999): 47-48.
  16. "Los Cuentos sucios de Jacinta Escudos: la construcción de la mujer como sujeto del deseo."  Cultura.  84 (1999): 184-92.  (Reprinted from Afrodita en el trópiuco: amor y erotismo en la obra de autoras centroamericanas.  Ed. Oralia Preble-Niemi.  Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1999.  111-22).
  17. "Negociando la construcción de la identidad: La producción de tres directoras de cine latinomaericano."  Romance Languages Annual (RLA). 10 (1998): 512-18.
  18. "El travestismo de Rosaura en La vida es sueño y de Loenor en Valor, agravio y mujer: el surgimiento de la agencialidad femenina y la desnaturalización del binarismo del género."  Bulletin of the Comediantes.  50.2 (1998): 371-85.

Newspaper Articles:

  1. Centroamérica: Derechos humanos hoy." La Opinión.  Los Angeles. May 1, 2003.
  2. "Literatura y cine centroamericano en Northridge: una celebración cultural."  La Opinión.  Los Angeles, CaliforniaOctober 21, 2001.
  3. "Mascarada II: la novela El lugar sin límites por José Donoso."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El SalvadorApril 23, 2001.
  4. "Mascarada I: el escenario del Siglo de Oro español."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  April 2, 2001.
  5. "En busca de una pista: la angustia en la obra literaria de Nicasio Urbina."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador. March 19, 2001.
  6. "Reflexiones sobre la ficción de posguerra en Centroamérica."  La Opinión.  Los Angeles, California.  March 4, 2001.
  7. "La literatura istmeña."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  February 12, 2001.
  8. "Una estrella fugaz."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  January 22, 2001.
  9. "Enigmas."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  January 2, 2001.
  10. "El proyecto de las arcadas de París."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  December 4, 2000.
  11. "La palabra escrita: un trago de nuestra propia medicina."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  November 20, 2000.
  12. "El mundo de las sombras."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  November 6, 2000.
  13. "Conferencia de ASOSAL: Crítica de la identidad."  La Opinión.  Los Angeles, California. September 22, 2000.
  14. "Independencia y ser: lejos y cerca de la patria."  La Opinión.  Los Angeles, California.  September 17, 2000.
  15. "Bienaventurados los pobres." El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  September 11, 2000.
  16. "Cine con el agravante de ser salvadoreño."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  September 4, 2000.
  17. "Ese irresistible deseo de cazar insectos."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  August 28, 2000.
  18. "El legado intelectual de Rafael Menjívar Larín."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  August 21, 2000.
  19. "Canibalismo a la salvadoreña."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  August 14, 2000.
  20. "Las otras remesas."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  August 7, 2000.
  21. "Nacionalismos."  El Faro.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  July 31, 2000.
  22. "Poeta en Los Angeles."  La Prensa Gráfica.  San Salvador, El Salvador. July 23, 2000.
  23. "La identidad nacional es una ficción."  La Prensa Gráfica.  San Salvador, El Salvador.  June 11, 2000.


  1. Castellanos Moya, Horacio.  "Hypertension."  Bomb Magazine.  78 (2001-2002): 107-10.
  2. Zeitlin, Marilyn A., ed.  Art Under Duress: El Salvador 1980 - Present.  Tempe: Arizona State University Art Museum, 1995.
  3. Zeitlin, Marilyn A. and Wes Sandel.  From Madness to Hope: El Salvador Speaks.  Arizona State University Art Museum, 1995.  [Video]

Script Writing:

  1. Zeitlin, Marilyn A., ed.  From Madness to Hope: El Salvador Speaks.  Arizona State University Art Museum, 1995.  [Video].

Encyclopedia Entries:

  1. "ARENA," "EDUCA," "Roberto D'Abuisson," "Miguel Mármol," and "Ignacio Martín-Baró."  Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American Culture.  Routledge.  Forthcoming.


Membership in Local, State or National Organizations:

  1. Modern Language Association.
  2. Latin American Studies Association.
  3. Central American Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association.

Presentations as a Guest Speaker before Professional Groups:

  1. " The Construction of Identity as a Source of Violence and Its Representation in Central American Post-War Fiction."  San Salvador, El Salvador, Ministry of Culture.  July, 2002.
  2. "La estética pasional en la posguerra centroamericana. Un vaivén entre la memoria y el olvido."  Central American Literatures Today Conference. Katholische Universität, Eichstätt, Germany. April, 2002.
  3. "Entre la memoria y el olvido: la estética pasional en la poesía centroamericana de posguerra." Challenges of Central American Literatures and Cultures Conference.  University of California at Los Angeles. May, 2002.
  4. "Young Central American Fiction Writers." University of Redlands. March, 2002.
  5. "La literatura centroamericana contemporánea." Central American Education Conference, CAEC. Loyola Marymount University.  October, 2000.
  6. "La identidad cultural salvadoreña reflejada en la literatura de posguerra." Organized by ASOSAL at California State University, Northridge, September, 2000.
  7. "El problema de la visibilidad en la ciudad de San Salvador." National Library of El Salvador. July, 2000.
  8. "El cinismo en la narrativa salvadoreña de posguerra."  University of El Salvador. Literature Department. July, 2000.

Presentation of Research or Other Participation before Professional Groups:

  1. "El desmembramiento del cuerpo y la construcción de la subjetividad."  Latin American Studies Association Congress. Dallas, Texas, March, 2003.
  2. "La cultura de la alegría. Homenaje in absentia."  XI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana.  San José, Costa Rica. March, 2003.
  3. "The Role of History and Fiction in the Masculine Construction of National Identity."  Central American History Congress, Panama City, Panama. July, 2002.
  4. "Violence and the Construction of Identity in Central American Post-War Fiction." International Congress on Central American Literature. Berlin, Germany.  April, 2002.
  5. "Antierótica: El Desencanto de Jacinta Escudos y la búsqueda fallida del placer." Second International Conference on Central American Literature and Culture.  California State University, Northridge.  October, 2001.
  6. "Passion and Subjectivity in Post War Central American Culture."  Latin American Studies Association Congress.  Washington, D.C., September, 2001.
  7. "Cruzada por la verdad: un análisis ideológico del ataque de D. Stoll contra Rigoberta Menchú." Primer Coloquio Internacional de Literatura y Testimonio en América Central. March, 2001.
  8. "La violencia y las redes del poder: El arma en el hombre por Horacio Castellanos Moya." IX International Congress on Central American Literature.  Belize City, Belize.  February - March, 2001.
  9. "Estética del cinismo: la literatura centroamericana de posguerra." V Congreso de Historia Centroamericana. San Salvador, El Salvador. July, 2000.

Acceptance to Future Conferences:

1.     Latin American Studies Association. Panel on Central American Literature. Las Vegas, Nevada, September, 2004.

2.     Congreso Internacional de Historia Centroamericana. Panel on the History of Central American Literature. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, July, 2004.

Pioneering Work in the Profession:

  1. Organizer. Of the upcoming Third International Conference on Central American Culture and Film Festival. California State University, Northridge. 2005.
  2. Organizer. Second International Conference on Central American Literature and Culture.  California State University, Northridge.  October, 2001.
  3. Organizer.  Central American International Film Festival. California State University, Northridge. October, 2001.
  4. Organizer. First International Conference on Central American Literature.  Arizona State University. April, 1999.



  1. Fall, 2004. College of Humanities Faculty Fellows Program.  "Aesthetics of Cynicism."
  2. Spring 2004. Probationary Faculty Support Program.  "Beyond the Confines of Cynicism: Contemporary Central American Fiction and the Practice of Joy."
  3. Fall 2003.  Research and Creative Activity Award. "Aesthetics of Cynicism: Central American Post War Fiction."
  4. Spring 2003. Judge Julian Beck Instructional Improvement Grant. "Central American Student Critical Thinking and Artistic Expression Workshop".
  5. Fall 2002. Faculty Curriculum Development Grant, Center for Community Service-Learning.
  6. 1999-2000 University Research Grant Program. Aesthetics of Cynicism: The Loss of Principles and the Power of Passion in Post War Central American Literature.
  7. 1999, Summer. Research Travel Grant. Arizona St. Univ., Center for Latin American Studies.
  8. 1999, Spring.  Publishing Award.  Arizona St. Univ., Department of Languages and Literatures.
  9. 1999, Spring.  Graduate College Fellow. Arizona St. Univ., Preparing Future Faculty Program.
  10. 1999, Spring. Conference Travel Grant. Arizona St. Univ., Dept. of Languages and Literatures.
  11. 1998‑1999, Doctoral Candidate Teaching Internship. Arizona St. Univ., Langs. and Literatures.
  12. 1998, Fall. Conference Travel Grant. Arizona State University, Graduate College.
  13. 1998, Fall. Conference Travel Grant. Arizona State Univ., Dept. of Languages and Literatures.
  14. 1998, Summer. Research Travel Grant. Arizona St. Univ., Dept. of Languages and Literatures.
  15. 1997‑1998, Research Assistantship. Arizona State Univ., Dept. of Languages and Literatures.
  16. 1995‑1996, Academic Support Program Scholarship. Arizona State Univ., Graduate College.



Service at the Department Level:

  1. Coordinator, Central American Studies Program, Fall 2004 to the present.
  2. Chair, Central American Studies Curriculum Committee, Dec. 2001 to the present.
  3. Organized as part of the Central American Lecture Series the presentation "Liberalism, Literature, and Power in El Salvador between 1880 and 1900" by Dr. Ricardo Roque Baldovinos, Chair, Literature Department, Central American University, El Salvador.  November 19, 2003.
  4. Member of the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Curriculum Committee, Spring 2002.
  5. Organized the presentation of the film Ama, la memoria del tiempo and the Distinguished Visiting Speakers lecture by Salvadoran filmmaker Daniel Flores. Obtained funds from the Office of the Associate Vice President. Fall 2002.
  6. Attended Majors Fair 2002 with the objective of recruiting students for the Central American Studies Program.
  7. Offered with Anca Mitroi a computer workshop to colleagues in the Modern and Classical Langauges and Literatures Department. "Blackboard: Creating Course Communities on the Web."
  8. Organized as part of the Central American Writers Lecture Series a visit to California State University, Northridge by Salvadoran author Horacio Castellanos Moya. Fall, 2000.
  9. Organized as part of the Central American Writers Lecture Series a visit to California State University, Northridge by Salvadoran author Miguel Huezo Mixco. Fall, 2000.
  10. Organized as part of the Central American Writers Lecture Series a visit to California State University, Northridge by Salvadoran poet Otoniel Guevara. Fall, 2000.
  11. Organized as part of the Central American Lecture Series a visit to California State University, Northridge by Salvadoran art historian Astrid Bahamond. Fall, 2000.

Service at the College Level:

  1. Member of the Central American Studies Interdisciplinary Program Committee, Fall, 2001 to present.
  2. Member of the Central American Research and Policy Institute Academic Advisory Board. Fall 2001 to present.
  3. Development of the Central American Studies Program. Fall 2000 to present.

Service at the University Level:

  1. Elected Co-Chair, for the period 2003-2005. Central American Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association.
  2. Participated in the CELT's Beck Teaching Forum: A Showcase of Instructional Development Projects. Title of poster presentation: "Central American Student Critical Thinking and Artistic Expression Workshop." University Library's Presentation Room. October 23, 2003.
  3. Participated in "Art as Political Engagement" panel at the Women's Center at California State University, Northridge. Topic of presentation: Community Participation in the Creation of a Mural." October 7, 2003.
  4. Editorial Reviewer. Latino Studies.  Fall 2002.
  5. Member of Editorial Committee. Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos. Http://
  6. Presentation of research as part of the Central American Studies Program Brown Bag Series. Fall, 2002. Title of Lecture: "Memory and Forgetting: The Exploration of Passion in Salvadoran Poetry."
  7. Visited Prof. Sheena Malhotra's Intercultural Communication class and spoke on "Identity: Critical Issues." September 16, 2002.
  8. Visited Prof. Larry Littwin's Political Science Special Topics seminar on Human Rights. May 1, 2002.
  9. Presentation of Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchú during her public lecture while visiting California State University, Northridge, Fall 2002.
  10. Member, External Review Committee, Arizona State University, Department of Languages and Literatures, Tempe, Arizona, Spring 2001.
  11. Editorial Reviewer.  Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. Arizona State University. 2000 - present.


  1. Academic advisor for the Central American Studies students. Spring 2002 to present.
  2. Advisor and director of Central American Student Critical Thinking and Artistic Expression Workshop, Spring 2003.
  3. Co-Advisor, Spanish Student Club LUCIA. California State University, Northridge. Attended weekly meetings and participated in the organization and planning of events. Spring, 2001.
  4. Advisor of Spanish major and minor students.



  1. Academic Advisor for CARECEN's Culture and Arts Committee. Spring 2002 to present. Los Angeles, California.
  2. Cultural Advisor for COPROCE. A Salvadoran Hometown Association. 2002 to present. Los Angeles, California.
  3. Guest Speaker. Independence Day Meeting. Organized by CAUSA (Central American United Student Association). California State University, Northridge. Fall 2000.
  4. Speaker: Recruitment Conference: "Language, Culture and Beyond." Organized by the Spanish Section, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, California State University, Northridge. Spring 2001.